I am using the datepicker of UI Bootstrap: (there is a Plunker there that disable the past dayswith a button).
Can anyone please help me to disable the future days without any button?
I tried change the function of the button like that, but it didn't worked:
$scope.toggleMin = function() {
$scope.options.minDate = $scope.options.minDate ? **new Date()** : **null** ;
And this is a button, I'd like to disable without a button.
Just set maxDate
in options
to the date you want to restrict to.
$scope.options = {
customClass: getDayClass,
maxDate: new Date(), // restrict maximum date to today
showWeeks: true
Otherwise, if you need to change it after the options are set you can just do:
$scope.options.maxDate = new Date(), // restrict maximum date to today
Here's the updated Plunker with days after today disabled: https://plnkr.co/edit/0iqNNEcATzv4t8h8n41X?p=preview