Observing the switch and trigger action seems like below in reactive cocoa 4.But can't figure out in reactive cocoa 5.
.flattenMap { (sender:AnyObject!) -> RACStream! in
let segment = sender as UISegmentedControl
switch segment.selectedSegmentIndex {
case 0:
return self.photoSignal()
return self.videoSignal()
.subscribeNextAs{(photosFetchResult: PHFetchResult) in
self.fetchResult = photosFetchResult
how can i do this for reactive cocoa 5
What i am trying to do is
testSwitch.reactive.trigger(for: .valueChanged)
And then
get the control enabled state and trigger action depending on the state.
I'm not sure what ur means, You want to listen the index value changed of the segmentedControl, don't u?
You could try these:
var selectedIndex = MutableProperty<NSInteger>(0)
.map({ $0 }).observeValues({ log.debug($0) })
To monitor the UISwitch value changed, you could try this:
let `switch` = UISwitch.init(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 0, height: 0))
`switch`.reactive.isOnValues.observeValues({ print($0) })