
setting option for JVM

I'm kinda lost in the java-options world

I've got a server and I'm doing some research for tuning issue

I found some options that I want to set for my jvm used by Tomcat (ie Xmx, Xms)

where have I got to put thoswe settings? in setenv?

I tryed:

Export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -server -Xmx512m -Xms512m"

then restart Tomcat and

java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | grep -iE 'HeapSize'

gave me (like before)

uintx MaxHeapSize := 1035993088

I think I missed something

Plus I've got 64bit system and 8GB RAM, accrding to my research I found that I can set Xmx to 6GB, but none information about Xms. Any advice? thank you all


  • The second "java" command has nothing to do with your running Tomcat! This starts just a second JVM.

    If you want to see the arguments with which your Tomcat JVM was actually started, then on Linux use ps eww -p <pid> or pargs <pid> on Solaris.

    Btw, CATALINA_OPTS is prefered over JAVA_OPTS, the latter one is used for all Java processes started by the tomcat Installation, and CATALINA_OPTS only for the main server process.