I try to get the commits that have been done after a date in a local copy of a git repo and then extract the related modifications on the files.
If I would like to compare this to a git command, It would be :
git log -p --reverse --after="2016-10-01"
Here is the script I use:
require "rugged"
require "date"
git_dir = "../ruby-gnome2/"
repo = Rugged::Repository.new(git_dir)
walker = Rugged::Walker.new(repo)
walker.sorting(Rugged::SORT_DATE| Rugged::SORT_REVERSE)
walker.each do |commit|
c_time = Time.at(commit.time)
next unless c_time >= Date.new(2016,10,01).to_time
puts c_time
puts commit.diff.size
puts commit.diff.stat.inspect
The problem is that it looks like a lot of files are modified here is the end of the output of this script:
2016-10-22 17:33:37 +0200
[2463, 0, 271332]
Which means that there are 2463 files modified/deleted/replaced. While a git log -p --reverse --after="2016-10-22"
show that only 2 files are modified.
How can I get the same results than with the git command? ie How can I find the real files that are modified by this commit?
As I didn't have any answer from the rugged team, I have done a ruby gobject-introspection loader for the libgit2-glib
here https://github.com/ruby-gnome2/ggit.
Now I can find the diff and the logs that corresponds to the git command line interface:
require "ggit"
PATH = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
repo_path = "#{PATH}/ruby-gnome2/.git"
file = Gio::File.path(repo_path)
repo = Ggit::Repository.open(file)
revwalker = Ggit::RevisionWalker.new(repo)
revwalker.sort_mode = [:time, :topological, :reverse]
head = repo.head
rescue => error
STDERR.puts error.message
exit 1
def signature_to_string(signature)
name = signature.name
email = signature.email
time = signature.time.format("%c")
"#{name} <#{email}> #{time}"
while oid = revwalker.next do
commit = repo.lookup(oid, Ggit::Commit.gtype)
author = signature_to_string(commit.author)
date = commit.committer.time
next unless (date.year >= 2016 && date.month >= 11 && date.day_of_month > 5)
committer = signature_to_string(commit.committer)
subject = commit.subject
message = commit.message
puts "SHA: #{oid}"
puts "Author: #{author}"
puts "Committer: #{committer}"
puts "Subject: #{subject}"
puts "Message: #{message}"
puts "----------------------------------------"
commit_parents = commit.parents
if commit_parents.size > 0
parent_commit = commit_parents.get(0)
commit_tree = commit.tree
parent_tree = parent_commit.tree
diff = Ggit::Diff.new(repo, :old_tree => parent_tree,
:new_tree => commit_tree, :options => nil)
diff.print( Ggit::DiffFormatType::PATCH ).each do |_delta, _hunk, line|
puts "\t | #{line.text}"