I am unable to register a plugin assembly using the plugin registration tool for Dynamics 365. This is due to the Tool Resizing/Screen resolution issue on my laptop. I'm using a Win 10 laptop with 1366x768 resolution. The plugin registration tool buttons are out of the screen boundaries (bottom). I had no luck trying to use the 'Tab' key to control the buttons. The registration tool won't reduce in size beyond a certain point. Same problem with other versions https://community.dynamics.com/crm/f/117/p/179132/586325#586325
Any windows hack to make the tool shrink or find an alternative to accomplish my task would be of great help.
thanks Rajesh.
You have a couple of options.
After you load your assembly and choose your options, place your cursor in the Step 1 box. Then press Shift + Tab twice, then press space or Enter.
Use the registration tool that is available in the XrmToolbox. It's a much older version, before the tool was rebuilt with WPF. I know it will allow you to at least register a plugin in a 2013/2015/2016 org.