
SBT classpath dependency with ScalaJS crosscompile project

I have 2 different separate projects A and B, both of which use the ScalaJS default way of wiring cross compile projects (see here:

Now I want to add a SBT Classpath Dependency from B to A in a manner similar to this:


where the js part of project B can use the js and shared parts of project A and the jvm part can access jvm and shared parts of project A.

As I am using upickle for serializing my data, I cannot just use a libraryDependeny with a publishLocalof project A (as upickle requires compile time information about project A in my case).

How can I solve this?


  • For CrossProject's in the same build, you can simply use .dependsOn:

    lazy val a = crossProject
    lazy val b = crossProject.dependsOn(a)
    // snip aJS, aJVM, bJS, bJVM

    Currently, there is no way to import a CrossProject from a URI / File like a RootProject. However, a CrossProject is nothing more than a two normal sbt projects. You can import these individually:

    // a.sbt
    lazy val a = crossProject
    lazy val aJS = a.js
    lazy val aJVM = a.jvm
    // b.sbt
    lazy val b = crossProject.
    lazy val aJS = ProjectRef(file("projectA"), "aJS")
    lazy val aJVM = ProjectRef(file("projectA"), "aJVM")

    Note that there doesn't seem a reason we cannot create a CrossProjectRef that abstracts this away from you. So if you need this often, feel free to open an issue so we can look at it in more detail.