
RequireJS Load timeout for modules: error detail

I need to expose better error detail from requireJS "load timeout for modules" errors so I can actually debug to find out what is causing the load timeout.

I'm unable to get the error to appear on my development machine, but roughly 10% of our daily visitors are experiencing this error in the production environment (track.js is being used to gather these errors for visibility).

How can I find out what module that is being required somewhere down the line is actually causing the timeout? Anything further to go on would be very helpful - I'm finding this incredibly hard to track down. Thanks.


  • from James Burke himself. .....However if the difficulty is that your "main" is taking a long time to load, that script holds the requirejs.config() call with waitSeconds, and it was loaded via data-main, then the requirejs.config() call may not be called in time for it to be useful. For that issue, you can pass waitSeconds using "requirejs as initial config".

    <script>var requirejs = { waitSeconds: 0 };</script>
    <script src="require.js" data-main="main"></script>

    This worked perfectly.