
Why is kerberos commonly used with Openam?

For a school project we must bind Wildfly with Kerberos and OpenAM over the SAML connection together. I was searching on the internet and had read that kerberos and openAM are commonly used together.

I don't understand why.

kerberos and openAM are two protocols for single sign on. So U can use Kerberos or OpenAM.


  • Kerberos is a network authentication protocol designed before the Internet became popular, so it's really only used in internal networks. Kerberos functions at a lower level than OpenAM, developed later. OpenAM at the higher level chains different protocols together for even stronger structures of authentication. It doesn't replace Kerberos though. At some point in the architectural decision, one must decide what lower-level protocols OpenAM will use to authenticate users or services. OpenAM can also federate distinct entities (think different companies) over the web.