I got an error during the deploying my web-application.
The title of error is Could not open Source file: Could not find a part of the path
'Could not open Source file: Could not find a part of the path 'E:\ARCHIVES\Projects\Main\Jahan.Handicraft\Jahan.Handicraft.Web.Mvc.UmbracoCms.App\obj\Release\AspnetCompileMerge\TempBuildDir\App_Plugins\UmbracoForms\Data\Web.config;\App_Plugins\UmbracoForms\Data\Web.config'.'.
I've used Umbraco 7.4.3
in my project.
I'd like deploy it on localhost.
Post installation
You should note that the Umbraco nuget package adds a build step to always include the Umbraco folders when you deploy using Web One-Click Publish with Visual Studio.
You can see these folders in packages/UmbracoCms x.y.z/build/UmbracoCms.targets
Should you need to exclude any of these folders or content, you can add a target to your .pubxml files in the properties/Publish folder. For instance if you need to exclude json data a plugin generates during production.
<Target Name="StopUmbracoFromPublishingAppPlugins" AfterTargets="AddUmbracoFilesToOutput">
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Remove=".\App_Plugins\UmbracoForms\Data\**\*.*"/>