
subtracting two dataframes


City, 2015-12-31, 2016-01-31, ...
YYZ  562.14, -701.18, ...
DFW  562.14, -701.18, ...
YYC  562.14, -701.18, ...


City, 2015-12-31, 2016-01-31, ...
SFO  562.14, -701.18, ...
PDX  562.14, -701.18, ...
LAX  562.14, -701.18, ...

I want to subtract df1 from df2. i.e. subtract values in respective date columns.

I tried the following:

df2.subtract(df1, fill_value=0)

But I receive the following error:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'float'

I think the error is because the operation cannot understand how to subtract strings in the City column, which obviously makes sense since subtracting the Cities is nonsensical.

The accepted answer in this post [link] seems to suggest this is possible. I am the author of that question but can't seem to get it to work now.


  • Move the City column into the index. The DataFrames will align by both index and columns first and then do subtraction. Any combination not present will result in NaN.

    df2.set_index('City').subtract(df1.set_index('City'), fill_value=0)