I am unit testing a component that is used to edit an object. The object has an unique id
that is used in order to grab the specific object from an array of objects that are hosted in a service. The specific id
is procured through a parameter that is passed via routing, specifically through the ActivatedRoute
The constructor is as follows:
constructor(private _router:Router, private _curRoute:ActivatedRoute, private _session:Session) {}
ngOnInit() {
this._curRoute.params.subscribe(params => {
this.userId = params['id'];
this.userObj = this._session.allUsers.filter(user => user.id.toString() === this.userId.toString())[0];
I want to run basic unit tests on this component. However, I am not sure as to how I can inject the id
parameter, and the component needs this parameter.
By the way: I already have a mock for the Session
service, so no worries there.
The simplest way to do this is to just use the useValue
attribute and provide an Observable of the value you want to mock.
RxJS < 6
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
provide: ActivatedRoute,
useValue: {
params: Observable.of({id: 123})
RxJS >= 6
import { of } from 'rxjs';
provide: ActivatedRoute,
useValue: {
params: of({id: 123})