I have two service classes like below...
User Service:
class UserService { dao: UserGroupDao =>
def read(userId: String): Future[Option[User]] = dao.readUser(userId)
Group Service:
class GroupService {dao: UserGroupDao =>
def createGroup(group: Group): Future[Either[String, String]]) = {
val userService = new UserService() with UserMysqlDao
userService.read(group.ownerId) map {
case Some(u) => dao.createGroup(group)
case None => Left("Invalid User!")
I am just validating if the owner of the group is a valid user. For that I reused the userService.read method with a hardcoded Dao Implementation i.e. UserMySqlDao.
Here my question is instead of providing hardcoded Dao Impl how could I use the groupservice's dao object. because the type are same for UserService and GroupService.
I tried using the following
val userService = new UserService with dao
but this failed. I am new to scala hence, not really clear why this failed. It would be helpful if someone can put some light on why this is not legal.
Thanks in Advance :)
If I understand right your question, you're looking for a solution for multiple dependencies declaration using the Cake Pattern.
The solution commonly used is to define a new type, a component, that contains references to all the dependencies that you need. In your specific case, the story will be the following.
trait GroupServiceComponent {
val userService: UserService
val userGroupDao: UserGroupDao
class GroupService {
def createGroup(group: Group): Future[Either[String, String]]) = {
userService.read(group.ownerId) map {
case Some(u) => userGroupDao.createGroup(group)
case None => Left("Invalid User!")
Let me know if you need more information.