I'm looking for implementing Android Chips on my application. Everytime user types 3 chars it is checked if the typed string corresponds to an existing POJO and, if so, a request to add a Chip is made. The request finishes at this method:
val bd = mRootView.getDrawable()
bd.setBounds(0, 0, bd.intrinsicWidth, bd.intrinsicHeight)
sb = SpannableStringBuilder("$mReplaceable ")
setSpan(ImageSpan(bd), 0, mReplaceable.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
isAddingChip = false
Code details can be found on GitHub
The problem is that the everytime I add a new Chip (ImageSpan), the old one is replaced to the recently added. Can anyone help me to spot where the problem is?
It looks like it is not possible doing that. What I've made was to inflate my custom layout, save a bitmap from it and place the result in one ImageSpan.