
Is there a way to remove "put your phone into viewer" message?

I'm struggling with Google VR SDK and in instance with VrVideoView. The devices on which my app is going to be installed will be for sure placed in landscape orientation and already in VR headset. For instant toggling the fullscreen stereo mode I'm using:


But when the video starts playing, the message "Put your your phone into viewer" appears for a few seconds.

enter image description here I don't need it as the device is already in position. Is there a way to remove it at all? Thanks in advance.


  • You must call: setDisplayMode and setTransitionViewEnabled.

    Set setTransitionViewEnabled as false.

    Use like this:

    vrVideoView.setDisplayMode(VrWidgetView.DisplayMode.FULLSCREEN_STEREO); vrVideoView.setTransitionViewEnabled(false);