
Handling Exceptions in Python Behave Testing framework

I've been thinking about switching from nose to behave for testing (mocha/chai etc have spoiled me). So far so good, but I can't seem to figure out any way of testing for exceptions besides:

@then("It throws a KeyError exception")
def step_impl(context):
    konfigure.load_env_mapping("baz", context.configs)
except KeyError, e:
    assert (e.message == "No baz configuration found") 

With nose I can annotate a test with


I can't find anything like this in behave (not in the source, not in the examples, not here). It sure would be grand to be able to specify exceptions that might be thrown in the scenario outlines.

Anyone been down this path?


  • This try/catch approach by Barry works, but I see some issues:

    My suggestion is to


        def given(regexp):
            return _wrapped_step(behave.given, regexp)  #pylint: disable=no-member
        def then(regexp):
            return _wrapped_step(behave.then, regexp)  #pylint: disable=no-member
        def when(regexp):
            return _wrapped_step(behave.when, regexp) #pylint: disable=no-member
        def _wrapped_step(step_function, regexp):
            def wrapper(func):
                This corresponds to, for step_function=given
                def a_given_step_function(context, ...
                return step_function(regexp)(_accept_expected_exception(func))
            return wrapper
        def _accept_expected_exception(func):
            If an error is expected, check if it matches the error.
            Otherwise raise it again.
            def wrapper(context, *args, **kwargs):
                    func(context, *args, **kwargs)
                except Exception, e:  #pylint: disable=W0703
                    expected_fail = context.expected_fail
                    # Reset expected fail, only try matching once.
                    context.expected_fail = None
                    if expected_fail:
            return wrapper
        class ErrorExpected(object):
            def __init__(self, message):
                self.message = message
            def get_message_from_exception(self, exception):
                return str(exception)
            def assert_exception(self, exception):
                actual_msg = self.get_message_from_exception(exception)
                assert self.message == actual_msg, self.failmessage(exception)
            def failmessage(self, exception):
                msg = "Not getting expected error: {0}\nInstead got{1}"
                msg = msg.format(self.message, self.get_message_from_exception(exception))
                return msg
        @given('the next step shall fail with')
        def expect_fail(context):
            if context.expected_fail:
                msg = 'Already expecting failure:\n  {0}'.format(context.expected_fail.message)
                context.expected_fail = None
            context.expected_fail = ErrorExpected(context.text)

    I import my modified given/then/when instead of behave, and add to my initiating context.expected fail before scenario and checking it after:

        def after_scenario(context, scenario):
            if context.expected_fail:
                msg = "Expected failure not found: %s" % (context.expected_fail.message)