I am trying to use the following query in MongoDB.
1) db.products.createIndex({ name: "text",category.name':"text"})
this will create a Index.
2) Now my query is
db.products.find({$text:{$search:"Sun moon Tapestry"}})
this will bring data according to Sun,moon, and Tapestry.
3) but i want to get data like this.
a) first all data row in exect match
Sun moon Tapestry
b) then after that Sun,moon and Tapestry will show up
(NOTE: DB call should be one time)
You can use the matching textScore to sort the resultset:
.find({ $text : { $search : "Sun moon Tapestry" } }, { score: { $meta: 'textScore' } })
.sort({score:{$meta: "textScore"}})
Since you have 2 text indexes you can also define weights for name
and category.name
PS:There is nothing related angularjs
EDIT: if you use Mongoose the query stays the same, you have to query your model
.find({ $text : { $search : "Sun moon Tapestry" } }, { score: { $meta: 'textScore' } })
.sort({score:{$meta: "textScore"}})
.exec(function (err, data) {
if (err)
else {
For the angular integration you can create a Service which uses $http https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$http and do your ajax call.