
Neo4jrb with rails --api: return connected nodes

Super simple setup:

Now, when browsing to /artefacts, the JSON returned is just the 2 nodes.


  • It all depends on how you're serializing. By default Rails will just serialize the node object. You should be able to use the include option as suggested here for ActiveRecord:

    Include associated model when rendering JSON in Rails

    I also personally like the json:api standard for serializing objects. One of the big advantages is that you can include associated objects and the objects are side-loaded efficiently so that you don't include duplicates in your responses. The other thing that I like about it is it's a standard, whereas when I've rendered JSON in apps in the past it's often been just whatever the developer working on that card thought was best.

    The jsonapi-resources gem is popular for this:

    That gem takes care a lot of the Rails integration and creates controllers and routes for you, but there are some problems with the integration with ActiveNode. I've used the jsonapi-serializers gem with success, but it requires you to do some more things for yourself:

    You might look at this Rails example of it: