
Print Photo ID Card to a plastic card printer from web site

Does anyone have experience with printing directly to a Photo ID Card printer in a web browser?

I have a web application that manages user data, photo, and so forth. I'd like to add a Print ID Card feature to it. The web application is a single page javascript application that talks to a RESTful web service via JSON. I'd like to display what the printed card will look like on both the front and back for approval before the user clicks the print button.

I'm considering ways to do this:

I'm looking for any sort of guidance that anyone can provide on any aspect of doing this. If you've been down this road before, I'd appreciate hearing from you. In particular:

I know this question might be a shot in the dark, but any information would help. Thanks!


  • My company did this using option "2", e.g. an agent (actually an MFC app) running on a machine with a card printer attached.

    The agent periodically checks an internet URL looking for new print jobs; print jobs are defined using scripts generated on the web server, the script includes details like mag stripe data to be encoded, user names/pictures and where to print them on the card stock, and so on. The agent posts back to the server after a successful print job. Posting back to the server is important because card printers tend to fail regularly.

    The big benefit to this approach is that multiple users can share a single printer so you don't need to buy a printer for each workstation where card registration occurs. Card printers can be fussy and require a lot maintenance, so it's easier to support a single printer.

    Another benefit is that you don't have to write plug-ins for all the browser platforms you want to support. Finally, it lets users with Linux/MacOS print cards using the system (as long as they are willing to setup a windows machine to drive the printer.)