
Android Studio 2.2 blank AVD & VCPU Shutdown request

I am using Android Studio 2.2 and when I try to do a trial run of hello world program, I am getting AVD with blank screen. Also In-between that the VCPU shutdown request coming in the log.I am not getting any android welcome screen after a long time (More Than 30 minutes). There is no issue with RAM performance, I already have 16gb. All the components are installed correctly from SDK. Can you help me to solve this issue? Please Find the Image below for Blank AVD AS2.2

enter image description here

Error Log:

C:\Users\hp\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\emulator.exe -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd Nexus_5_API_24
Hax is enabled
Hax ram_size 0x40000000
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
emulator: Listening for console connections on port: 5554
emulator: Serial number of this emulator (for ADB): emulator-5554
emulator: emulator window was out of view and was recentered
VCPU shutdown request
EAX=00748cea EBX=3ffadb60 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000
VCPU shutdown request


Adding: Intel HAXM 6.0.5 not compatible with windows screenshot:

Intel HAXM 6.0.5 not compatible with windows screenshot


  • Please use 6.0.5 HAXM it solved for me. I have i7 and similar issues with 6.0.4