I have tried many variants but could not make this work. One example (child pom.xml
Maven always tries to delete my folder. Why?
As also suggested by @AR.3 in the answer here, the clean
phase and goal would -
By default, it discovers and deletes the directories configured in project.build.directory, project.build.outputDirectory, project.build.testOutputDirectory, and project.reporting.outputDirectory.
Still, if you want to exclude a specific folder from being deleted you can follow the inverse approach(a simple hack) to do it as follows -
<include><!--everything other that what you want to exclude--></include>
More about excludeDefaultDirectories
from a similar link -
Disables the deletion of the default output directories configured for a project. If set to true, only the files/directories selected via the parameter filesets will be deleted.
It is indeed possible to exclude a specific folder from being deleted using a direct approach:
<exclude><!-- folder to exclude --></exclude>