Is it possible to either:
Declare an array as a constant
Use a workaround to declare an array that is protected from adding, deleting or changing elements, and therefore functionally constant during the life of a macro?
Of course I could do this:
Const myConstant1 As Integer = 2
Const myConstant2 As Integer = 13
Const myConstant3 As Integer = 17
Const myConstant4 ...and so on
...but it loses the elegance of working with arrays. I could also load the constants into an array, and reload them each time I use them, but any failure to reload the array with those constant values before use could expose the code to a "constant" value that has changed.
Any workable answer is welcome but the ideal answer is one that can be setup once and not require any changes/maintenance when other code is modified.
You could use a function to return the array and use the function as an array.
Function ConstantArray()
ConstantArray = Array(2, 13, 17)
End Function