
Show all NSWindows

Pretty simple idea here, I want to show all the NSWindows in an app. The idea being that there are two windows in the app, one his hidden the other is vissable. I want to show all the windows in the app and then hide one. I can hide the window I want to hide but I cant show the windows because I am unable to obtain a reference to it. is there anyway of getting a list of all the nswindows in the app then iterating through it and hiding them or something similar, I can use [NSApp windows] however trying to use

NSArray *windowArray = [NSApp windows];
[windowArray[0] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];

does not work, nor does:

NSArray *windowArray = [NSApp windows];
NSWindow *tempWindow = windowArray[0];
[tempWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];

any suggestions?


  • Well in hindsight I've been a bit stupid. I had two seep rate controller objects each running one window. One was hardly doing anything as the view inside it was being handled by a different object so I just removed that one and made the first controller object take care of both windows. Problem solved.