I am trying to generate reports of my project. These reports are shown with help of pie charts. I am getting correct data in response but pie chart is not updating in first request. I have to send 2-3 request more then it updates the pie chart. My js code is here:
//Pie chart for product
var dataLeadproduct = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(pieproductdataLeadSummery);
var productLeadoptions = {
title: 'Top Product',
pieHole: 0,
pieSliceText: '',
pieSliceBorderColor: '#00ffffff',
colors: ['#FF772D', '#57c8f2', '#8175c7', '#ff6c60', '#A9D86E'],
chartArea: {left: 20, top: 10, width: '100%', height: '75%'},
is3D: false,
reverseCategories: false,
'tooltip.text': 'value'
var productLeadSummery = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('leadsummeryproduct_piechart'));
productLeadSummery.draw(dataLeadproduct, productLeadoptions);
CI's controller code:
//Product Pie Chart
$leadProduct_query = 'SELECT COUNT(lead_product_id) AS lead_product_count, lead_product_id FROM leads WHERE lead_id IN (' . implode(',', $leadsID) . ') AND lead_location_id ="' . $leadsummery_city . '" AND lead_progress LIKE \'%:"' . $leadsummery_stages . '";%\' AND lead_loan_amount >="' . $leadsummery_amount_from . '" AND lead_loan_amount <="' . $leadsummery_amount_to . '" AND lead_reg_date <="' . $leadsummery_startdate . '" AND lead_reg_date >="' . $leadsummery_enddate . '" GROUP BY lead_product_id ORDER BY COUNT(lead_product_id) DESC limit 5';
$leadProduct = $this->db->query($leadProduct_query)->result_array();
$leadProduct_count = count($leadProduct);
foreach ($leadProduct as $lp) {
$product_name[] = $this->Generalmodel->getfromid('products', 'product_name', $lp['lead_product_id']);
$pro_percent[] = round(($lp['lead_product_count'] / $leads_count) * 100);
$tempLeadPro[] = array('Product Name', 'Count');
for ($i = 0; $i < $leadProduct_count; $i++) {
$proData = array($product_name[$i], $pro_percent[$i]);
$tempLeadPro[] = $proData;
$leadSummeryProductpiedata = $tempLeadPro;
Problem solved. It cause due to google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawLeadSummeryChart);
As i am using setOnLoadCallback
multiple times in same jquery.
Due to this it always shows an errors in console "Uncaught Error: Container is not defined"
and unable to load response. So i just check that length of id from view page is greater than 0. If it is greater then execute setOnLoadCallback
. Code is given below:
if ($('#IDFROMVIEWPAGE').length > 0) {