
Regression using plm package and twoways effect, when data has NA

So, I'd like to run a regression on a panel data, using two-ways effects, for time and stores. If the panel is perfectly balanced, it works fine, but for some reason, if it's not, the code gets stuck. (see: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-May/239272.html).

My data in particular is not unbalanced in nature, but it has some NAs, so I guess it's becoming unbalanced when the plm function removes rows with NA. I wrote a sample code to exemplify the data I have.

If I run this:

number.of.days <- 1100
number.of.stores <- 1000
days <- sort(rep(c(1:number.of.days),number.of.stores))
stores <- rep(c(1:number.of.stores),number.of.days)

data <- cbind.data.frame(stores,days,matrix(rnorm(number.of.days*number.of.stores*7),nrow=number.of.days*number.of.stores,ncol=7))
colnames(data)[3:9] <- c('y',paste0('x',1:6))

data <- plm.data(data,c("stores","days"))  
fit <- plm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6, data = data, index=c("stores","days"), effect="twoway", model="within")

It works correctly, because the panel is balanced. However, if I create some NA values:

data$y[sample(1:number.of.days*number.of.stores,150)] <- NA
data$x1[sample(1:number.of.days*number.of.stores,150)] <- NA
data$x2[sample(1:number.of.days*number.of.stores,150)] <- NA
data$x3[sample(1:number.of.days*number.of.stores,150)] <- NA
data$x4[sample(1:number.of.days*number.of.stores,150)] <- NA
data$x5[sample(1:number.of.days*number.of.stores,150)] <- NA
data$x6[sample(1:number.of.days*number.of.stores,150)] <- NA

And try to run the regression again:

 fit <- plm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6, data = data, index=c("stores","days"), effect="twoway", model="within")

It does not work (the code apparently never stops running)

I tried using 'individual' effect for stores and adding a matrix with dummies for time, but since there are 1100 days, it becomes just as slow.

I assume this is not a rare problem. Is there any known solution?

Thank you


  • The felm function from the lfe package is able to handle this (and efficiently, too).


    fit2 <- felm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 | stores + days | 0 | stores , data = data)

    on the data with the NAs yields a result.

    Note the formula specification in which you specify which factors are to be projected out (i.e. the fixed effects). The last stores in the formula specifies the variable for clustering standard errors. For details see the excellent felm help file and lfe package documentation.