I have a save button on my form which loops through all rows of the tcxgrid and reads its values. I'm trying to read the value of a combo box I have in one of the columns, but I need to read the Key value not the text of it.
for I := 0 to tv.DataController.RecordCount - 1 do
Location := tv.DataController.Values[I, colLocation.Index];
colLocation is the combobox, but doing that gives me the text selected not the ItemIndex values. Any clues?
If you are asking how to get the numeric index in the ComboBox Items property of the current grid row, you can do it with code like this
procedure TForm1.ProcessComboBox;
Index : Integer;
S : String;
V : OleVariant;
for I := 0 to tv.DataController.RecordCount - 1 do
V := tv.DataController.Values[I, colLocation.Index];
S := V;
// if the RepositoryItem of colLocation is set to cxEditRepository1ComboBoxItem1
// you can do
Index := cxEditRepository1ComboBoxItem1.Properties.Items.IndexOf(S);
// OR, if the Properties property of colLocation is set to ComboBox you could do
// Index := TcxComboBoxProperties(colLocation.Properties).Items.IndexOf(S);
S := IntToStr(Index);
Caption := S;
If that doesn't answer your q, you'd better explain exactly what you do want.