
Play 2.5 type mismatch Session type

Using deadbolt2 I have the following controller function implementation:

def restricted: Action = deadbolt.Restrict(List(Array(USER_ROLE)))() { request =>
  Future {
    val localUser = userProvider.getUser(request.session) // <<< expects a play.mvc.Http.Session
    Ok(views.html.restricted(userProvider, localUser))

but it results in the following compiler error:

[error] /home/bravegag/code/play-authenticate-usage-scala/app/controllers/Application.scala:26: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : play.api.mvc.Session
[error]  required: play.mvc.Http.Session
[error]       val localUser = userProvider.getUser(request.session)
[error]                                                    ^

Basically the current request is giving me a play.api.mvc.Session but the library I depend on (play-authenticate) is expecting a play.mvc.Http.Session. Is there a way to convert between the two? or another way to get hold of the needed Http one?


  • I found how to convert from play.api.mvc.Session to play.mvc.Http.Session:

    import scala.collection.JavaConversions
    val session : Http.Session = 
        new Http.Session(JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap(

    thouhg I will have to keep redoing this everywhere ... or write an implicit conversion Helper object.

    UPDATE Defined my own implicit conversion helper:

    package utils
    import scala.collection.JavaConversions
    object PlayConversions {
        * Returns the result conversion from a play.api.mvc.Session to a play.mvc.Http.Session
        * @param session play.api.mvc.Session instance
        * @return the result conversion from a play.api.mvc.Session to a play.mvc.Http.Session
      implicit def toHttpSession(session: play.api.mvc.Session) = new play.mvc.Http.Session(JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap(

    UPDATE Actually this is the Play institutional/preferred way to do it:

    import play.core.j.JavaHelpers
    val context = JavaHelpers.createJavaContext(request)
    // and now access the Java Http.Session