On iOS 10 I am trying to create a match using the GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController. I can bring up the view so the user can choose matchmaking or an invite. I can't figure out how to reliably determine which match got created in response to that. The problem is that, in iOS 10, the didFindMatch method of the GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate has been deprecated. That method used to be called with the match. The old days were easy!
The deprecation message says "use GKTurnBasedEventListener player:receivedTurnEventForMatch:didBecomeActive". The docs and stack overflow threads are filled with reasons why that method gets called. See this thread for a good list: Gamecenter ios 9 GameCenter GKLocalPlayerListener methods not called. If you imagine a user that already has several games going, you can see that this method will be called for a lot of different reasons and it could happen at any time, as far as I know. My question is: how to determine which of these calls is the "I just created a match for you, here it is!" call.
Some examples I think won't work:
I'm stuck, any help is appreciated.
Double check your status when the event handler fires. I believe you should still be in invited
state until you accept the match.
edit: Actually, I believe there will be two conditions that indicate a new match when the event handler fires:
You are in the invited state (you joined)
Everyone else is in the invited or automatch state (you started the match)
edit 2:
Checking my old code, it turns out that I looked at the matchData
object. Since I knew that player 2 doesn't receive the invite until player1 ended the turn (and so forth), and since I knew that player1 had to save match data in order to end the turn, if matchData.length
was greater than zero, I assumed I was joining a game in progress. I didn't rely on the participant status. But that doesn't solve your problem.
The other thing I did was create my own header struct which I inserted at the start of the NSData. In that header, player1 would set status flags for each other player, that would be obvious when those players joined. I totally ignored the participant status in the match object.
Regarding your third bullet, instead of saving the list locally, you could save it remotely using cloudKit. The cloudkit data will persist across installs/uninstalls unless you specifically delete it.
The gist with cloudkit is:
directly into the aforementioned Bytes fieldNSMutableArray
directly from the Bytes field