I'm learning Erlang's mnesia DB and trying to use it in Elixir app. According to documentation while creating a schema by default mnesia creates a directory with the name "Mnesia.#{node}". Here is the code for mnesia preparation:
attributes: [:name, :email],
disc_copies: [node]
When I'm starting 2 separate IEx sessions and make some transactional queries it seems they are only happened in one of the session. I infer this from :mnesia.info output.
How can I synchronise them, or is it an expected behaviour?
When one starts a shell without an explicitly specified node name, it’s started as nonode@nohost
$ iex
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.1] [source-e7be63d] ...
Interactive Elixir (1.5.0-dev) ...
iex(1)> node()
itself is node-aware. So, you need to explicitly remote-connect to the node, that is aware of running mnesia
. Let’s start a named shell:
$ iex --sname mnesia # the node name is arbitrary
Now, let’s start the second shell and connect to the firstly started shell remotely. To do so, just start a shell, then press CtrlG to enter User switch command
mode and type:
User switch command
--> r 'mnesia@localhost' 'Elixir.IEx'
--> c
Now you have two shells, connected to the same node, that handles a mnesia
More info in the IEx docs on remote shells.