
Problems with iron-form on chrome

I am trying to use iron-form but I can't access the non-native elements of the form on Chrome.

<dom-module id="e404-view">
            :host {
                display: block;

                padding: 10px 20px;


        <form id="step1Form" is="iron-form">

        You hit a 404. <a href="/home">Head back to home</a>

            is: 'e404-view',

            ready: function () {
                var form = this.$.step1Form;
//                console.log(form.elements);
                for (var el, i = 0; el = form.elements[i], i < form.elements.length; i++) {

Here is a simple view which contains form. When I iterate through the form.elements on Chrome there is only one input in the array. However this example works perfectly fine on Firefox.

I am building an app and the weird thing is that when I use the same view in different project everything works fine. I think that there are some collisions in the app or something like that. This view is shown through iron-pages in the app. However I am not sure why it works on Firefox.

I can't seems to find out what's wrong and any advises or hints will be appreciated. If I won't solve the bug I'll probably remove the form and handle the validation myself.

Thanks in advance, Jan


  • I found a solution. The problem was caused by global Polymer settings which were located in the index.html.

    Here is the problematic part:

        window.Polymer = {
            dom: 'shadow',
            lazyRegister: true

    When I commented out the dom: 'shadow' setting, everything began working.