
Ruby on Rails Server options

The whole issue of setting up a development server for my Ruby on Rails application confuses me. There are WEBrick, Mongrel, Passenger, Apache, Nginx and many more I am sure, and I don't really understand the different roles they play.

I started off using WEBrick, and now I use Mongrel for development. Are these servers stand-alone, or do they sit in front of Apache?

I have read about Passenger and I don't really understand what it is, the site says "makes deployment of Ruby web applications a breeze", does it replace Mongrel? Is it like Capistrano, which also deploys web applications?

Bearing in mind I would like to test SSL, and I believe that's not supported by mongrel, what is the best development server setup?



  • The word "deployment" can have two meanings depending on the context. You are also confusing the roles of Apache/Nginx with the roles of other components.

    Historic note: This article was originally written on November 6, 2010, when the Ruby app server ecosystem was limited. I've updated this article on March 15 2013 with all the latest updates in the ecosystem.

    Disclaimer: I am one of the authors of Phusion Passenger, one of the app servers.

    Apache vs Nginx

    They're both web servers. They can serve static files but - with the right modules - can also serve dynamic web apps e.g. those written in PHP. Apache is more popular and has more features, Nginx is smaller and faster and has less features.

    Neither Apache nor Nginx can serve Ruby web apps out-of-the-box, to do that you need to use Apache/Nginx in combination with some kind of add-on, described later.

    Apache and Nginx can also act as reverse proxies, meaning that they can take an incoming HTTP request and forward it to another server, which also speaks HTTP. When that server responds with an HTTP response, Apache/Nginx will forward the response back to the client; You will learn later why this is relevant.

    Mongrel and other production app servers vs WEBrick

    Mongrel is a Ruby "application server": In concrete terms this means that Mongrel is an application which:

    1. Loads your Ruby app inside its own process space.
    2. Sets up a TCP socket, allowing it to communicate with the outside world (e.g. the Internet). Mongrel listens for HTTP requests on this socket and passes the request data to the Ruby web app.
    3. The Ruby web app then returns an object, which describes what the HTTP response should look like, and Mongrel takes care of converting it to an actual HTTP response (the actual bytes) and sends it back over the socket.

    However Mongrel is quite dated, nowadays it is no longer maintained. Newer alternative application servers are:

    I'll cover them later and describe how they differ from each other and from Mongrel.

    WEBrick does the same thing as Mongrel, but the differences are:

    The app server and the world

    All current Ruby app servers speak HTTP, however some app servers may be directly exposed to the Internet on port 80, while others may not.

    Why must some app servers be put behind a reverse proxy?

    Why can some app servers be directly exposed to the Internet?

    Application servers compared

    In this section I'll compare most application servers I've mentioned, but not Phusion Passenger. Phusion Passenger is such a different beast from the rest that I've given it a dedicated section. I've also omitted Trinidad and TorqueBox because I do not know them well enough, but they're only relevant anyway if you use JRuby.

    Phusion Passenger

    Phusion Passenger works very differently from all the other ones. Phusion Passenger integrates directly into Apache or Nginx, and so can be compared to mod_php for Apache. Just like mod_php allows Apache to serve PHP apps, almost magically, Phusion Passenger allows Apache (and also Nginx!) to serve Ruby apps, almost magically. Phusion Passenger's goal is to make everything Just Work(tm) with as little hassle as possible.

    Instead of starting a process or cluster for your app, and configuring Apache/Nginx to serve static files and/or reverse proxying requests to the process/cluster with Phusion Passenger you only need to:

    1. You edit the web server config file and specify the location of your Ruby app's 'public' directory.
    2. There is no step 2.

    All configuration is done within the web server config file. Phusion Passenger automates pretty much everything. There is no need to start a cluster and manage processes. Starting/stopping processes, restarting them when they crash, etc. - all automated. Compared to other app servers, Phusion Passenger has far fewer moving parts. This ease of use is one of the primary reasons why people use Phusion Passenger.

    Also unlike other app servers, Phusion Passenger is primarily written in C++, making it very fast.

    There's also an Enterprise variant of Phusion Passenger with even more features, such as automated rolling restarts, multithreading support, deployment error resistance, etc.

    For the above reasons, Phusion Passenger is currently the most popular Ruby app server, powering over 150,000 websites, including large ones such as New York Times, Pixar, Airbnb, etc.

    Phusion Passenger vs other app servers

    Phusion Passenger provides a lot more features and provides many advantages over other app servers, such as:

    Workloads that Unicorn is not good at are:

    The hybrid I/O model in Phusion Passenger Enterprise 4 or later makes it an excellent choice for these kinds of workloads.

    There are more features and advantages, but the list is really long. You should refer to the comprehensive Phusion Passenger manual (Apache version, Nginx version) or the Phusion Passenger website for information.

    I/O concurrency models

    An article was recently posted on the Phusion blog about optimally tuning the number of processes and threads given your workload. See Tuning Phusion Passenger's concurrency settings.


    Capistrano is something completely different. In all the previous sections, "deployment" refers to the act of starting your Ruby app in an application server, so that it becomes accessible to visitors, but before that can happen one typically needs to do some preparation work, such as:

    In the context of Capistrano, "deployment" refers to doing all this preparation work. Capistrano is not an application server. Instead, it is a tool for automating all that preparation work. You tell Capistrano where your server is and which commands need to be run every time you deploy a new version of your app, and Capistrano will take care of uploading the Rails app to the server for you and running the commands you specified.

    Capistrano is always used in combination with an application server. It does not replace application servers. Vice-versa, application servers do not replace Capistrano, they can be used in combination with Capistrano.

    Of course you don't have to use Capistrano. If you prefer to upload your Ruby app with FTP and manually running the same steps of commands every time, then you can do that. Other people got tired of it, so they automate those steps in Capistrano.