I am trying to make a dropdown filter for angular ui-grid. I originally found the how-to article here, and upon not being able to work it, i went back to the source to try to work it. I am still having no success. the column filter just looks like a regular filter, without any dropdown. Can someone help me fix it up?
Column def:
field: 'sex'
, displayName: 'SEX'
, width: '120'
, type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT
, filter: { selectOptions: [ { value: 'male', label: 'male' }, { value: 'female', label: 'female' } ] }
This is how it looks (if I click the input, its just accepts text)
Is there something else im missing?
//options for the main grid
$scope.gridOptions = {
enableFiltering: true,
multiSelect: false,
onRegisterApi: function(gridApi){
$scope.gridApi = gridApi; //so we can use gridapi functions of ui-grid
//handler for clicking rows and getting row object
gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function(row){
thisRow = gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows() //gets the clicked row object
data: 'myData'
, rowTemplate: rowTemplate()
, columnDefs: [
field: 'alert'
, displayName: 'ALERTS'
, width: '70'
, headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader
,sort: {
direction: uiGridConstants.DESC,
priority: 1
field: 'firstName'
, displayName: 'FIRST NAME'
, width: '130'
, headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader
field: 'lastName'
, displayName: 'LAST NAME'
, width: '130'
, headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader
field: 'dob'
, displayName: 'DOB'
, width: '130'
, headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader
field: 'careCoordinatorName'
, displayName: 'Care Coordinator Name'
, width: '130'
, headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader
field: 'userStatus'
, displayName: 'STATUS'
, width: '130'
, headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader
field: 'homeNum'
, displayName: 'PATIENT HOME #'
, width: '130'
, headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader
field: 'cellNum'
, displayName: 'PATIENT CELL #'
, width: '130'
, headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader
field: 'mi'
, displayName: 'MI'
, width: '60'
, headerCellClass: $scope.highlightFilteredHeader
field: 'sex'
, displayName: 'SEX'
, width: '120'
, type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT
, filter: { selectOptions: [ { value: 'male', label: 'male' }, { value: 'female', label: 'female' } ] }
Row template (if relevant):
function rowTemplate() {
return '<div ng-dblclick="grid.appScope.rowDblClick(row)" ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by col.uid" ui-grid-one-bind-id-grid="rowRenderIndex + \'-\' + col.uid + \'-cell\'" class="ui-grid-cell" ng-class="{ \'ui-grid-row-header-cell\': col.isRowHeader }" role="{{col.isRowHeader ? \'rowheader\' : \'gridcell\'}}" ui-grid-cell></div>';
<div id="grid1" ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-importer class="grid" ui-grid-resize-columns ui-grid-move-columns ui-grid-auto-resize ui-grid-edit ui-grid-selection ui-grid-cellNav ui-grid-paging external-scopes="gridHandlers"></div>
------UPDATE 2----------- After changing coldef to
field: 'sex',
displayName: 'SEX',
width: '120',
//type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT,
filter: {
type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT, // <- move this to here
selectOptions: [
{ value: 'male', label: 'male' },
{ value: 'female', label: 'female' }
This is how my column now looks (with another column to the left for comparison)
------UPDATE 3----------- When I inspected the area, I could see the code for the select. So no we know its there, its just not showing
-----UPDATE 4---------- Materializecss was making it invisible. it was there the whole time
select {
display: inline !important;
height: 15px !important;
solved the problem
Ah, I believe your problem is that the type option for the coldef is in the wrong location. I've expanded the code a bit for readability; you can easily get lost in the objects if they are too compressed.
What you have:
field: 'sex',
displayName: 'SEX',
width: '120',
type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT,
filter: {
selectOptions: [
{ value: 'male', label: 'male' },
{ value: 'female', label: 'female' }
What it should be:
field: 'sex',
displayName: 'SEX',
width: '120',
//type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT,
filter: {
type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT, // <- move this to here
selectOptions: [
{ value: 'male', label: 'male' },
{ value: 'female', label: 'female' }