
flask does not see change in .js file

I made a change on one of the .js files that I use and no matter what I do, flask insists on picking up, from memory cache, the last version of the file, without the change.

To clarify, I have the following structure. It all starts with foo.html

return render_template foo.html

foo.html has a form inside that calls flask with some data and then returns a second template bar.html:

return render_template bar.html

This second template calls some .js file, placed in the static folder, but it doesn't update when the code changes.

I mention the structure above because if the .js file was placed on foo.html instead of bar.html then Flask would pick up the new changes on the file. But in bar.html Flask completely ignores them.

What is happening?

The only thing that worked was to click on "disable cache" on the browser and reload again.


  • Ultimately this is a frustrating browser cache issue, which can be solved by forcing the browser to do a "hard refresh", which is going to be a browser/OS dependent keystroke, but generally this works:

    There are other filename tricks one can use to avoid this issue (mentioned in comments of the OP). These are especially important in production where you have no control over browser behavior.

    For non-Static Flask responses you can set the cache_control.max_age property, which should tell the browser when to expire the response if it is cached. For instance if you have a Flask XHR endpoint that returns JSON data you could do this:

    def get_ajax_data():
        data = {"hello": "world"}
        response = jsonify(data)
        response.cache_control.max_age = 60 * 60 * 24  # 1 day (in seconds)
        return response

    You typically can also set default values in your production web server configuration for specific resource types (e.g. CSS/JS/HTML/JSON/etc)

    Edit 4/1/2019 (unrelated to April Fools day)