I have multiple regression models which failed Breusch-Pagan tests, and so I've recalculated the variance using a heteroscedasticity-corrected covariance matrix, like this: coeftest(lm.model,vcov=hccm(lm.model))
. coeftest()
is from the lmtest
package, while hccm()
is from the car
I'd like to provide F-scores and standardized betas, but am not sure how to do this, because the output looks like this...
t test of coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.000261 0.038824 0.01 0.995
age 0.004410 0.041614 0.11 0.916
exercise -0.044727 0.023621 -1.89 0.059 .
tR -0.038375 0.037531 -1.02 0.307
allele1_num 0.013671 0.038017 0.36 0.719
tR:allele1_num -0.010077 0.038926 -0.26 0.796
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Any advice on how to report these so they are as consistent as possible with the standard summary()
and Anova()
output from R and car
, and the function std_beta()
from the sjmisc
In case anyone else has this question, here was my solution. It is not particularly elegant, but it works.
I simply used the function for std_beta as a template, and then changed the input for the standard error to that derived from the std_beta()
# This is taken from std_beta function from sj_misc package.
# =====================================
b <-coef(lm.model) # Same Estimate
b <-b[-1] # Same intercept
fit.data <- as.data.frame(stats::model.matrix(lm.model)) # Same model.
fit.data <- fit.data[, -1] # Keep intercept
fit.data <- as.data.frame(sapply(fit.data, function(x) if (is.factor(x))
to_value(x, keep.labels = F)
else x))
sx <- sapply(fit.data, sd, na.rm = T)
sy <- sapply(as.data.frame(lm.model$model)[1], sd, na.rm = T)
beta <- b * sx/sy
se <-coeftest(lm.model,vcov=hccm(lm.model))[,2] # ** USE HCCM covariance for SE **
se <- se[-1]
beta.se <- se * sx/sy
data.frame(beta = beta, ci.low = (beta - beta.se *
1.96), ci.hi = (beta + beta.se * 1.96))
For the F-scores, I just squared the t-values. I hope this saves someone some time.