I'd like to create a dynamic menu which enumerates all QDockWidget
from my QMainWindow
and allows to show/hide the QDockWidgets
, so far I got this code:
class PluginActionsViewDocks():
def __init__(self, main_window):
self.main_window = main_window
mapper = QSignalMapper(self.main_window)
self.actions = []
for dock in main_window.findChildren(QtWidgets.QDockWidget):
action = create_action(
main_window, dock.windowTitle(),
tooltip='Show {0} dock'.format(dock.windowTitle())
mapper.setMapping(action, dock)
help_menu = main_window.menuBar().addMenu('&View')
setattr(help_menu, "no_toolbar_policy", True)
add_actions(help_menu, tuple(self.actions))
def toggle_dock_widget(self, dock_widget):
The menu is populated with all QDockWidget windowTitles but when i press each of them the slot toggle_dock_widget
is not called. create_action
is a helper which creates the QAction and connect the triggered signal to slot
The thing is, I don't really understand quite well how QSignalMapper works but my intuition tells me it's the right choice for this particular problem.
What could I be missing here?
There's aleady a built-in dock-widget menu. Just right-click any dock title-bar, or any tool-bar or menu-bar. See: QMainWindow::createPopupMenu.
The reason why your QSignalMapper
code doesn't work is probably because you are connecting to the wrong overload of the mapped
signal. Try this instead: