
How to uninstall from `Carton`

I have Carton environment and install modules into ./local/ from cpanfile. But now I do not require some modules and want to remove some.

I can remove ./local folder and install modules from scratch but this take a time. I have found this

carton uninstall Module

But it does not exists anymore.

Is there something like carton uninstall?


  • I workaround I just delete local folder and install modules from scratch:

    rm -r local


    Note: This can take a while to install from scratch.

    Thus to save time you can pass --notest option to cpanm via PERL_CPANM_OPT:

    PERL_CPANM_OPT=--notest carton

    Or if you you want to prevent querying for new versions:

    carton install --deployment

    This will install modules without testing them. This is safe in compare to previous command because you know that module was installed before (tests were PASS)