
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login?

My problem is that it doesn't just require a basic cookie, but rather asks for a session cookie, and for randomly generated IDs. I think this means I need to use a web browser emulator with a cookie jar?

I have tried to use Snoopy, Goutte and a couple of other web browser emulators, but as of yet I have not been able to find tutorials on how to receive cookies. I am getting a little desperate!

Can anyone give me an example of how to accept cookies in Snoopy or Goutte?

Thanks in advance!


  • Object-Oriented answer

    We implement as much as possible of the previous answer in one class called Browser that should supply the normal navigation features.

    Then we should be able to put the site-specific code, in very simple form, in a new derived class that we call, say, FooBrowser, that performs scraping of the site Foo.

    The class deriving Browser must supply some site-specific function such as a path() function allowing to store site-specific information, for example

    function path($basename) {
        return '/var/tmp/' . $basename;
    abstract class Browser
        private $options = [];
        private $state   = [];
        protected $cookies;
        abstract protected function path($basename);
        public function __construct($site, $options = []) {
            $this->cookies   = $this->path('cookies');
            $this->options  = array_merge(
                    'site'      => $site,
                    'userAgent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0 - LeoScraper',
                    'waitTime'  => 250000,
            $this->state = [
                'referer' => '/',
                'url'     => '',
                'curl'    => '',
         * Reactivates after sleep (e.g. in session) or creation
        public function __wakeup() {
            $this->state['curl'] = curl_init();
                CURLOPT_USERAGENT       => $this->options['userAgent'],
                CURLOPT_ENCODING        => '',
                CURLOPT_NOBODY          => false,
                // ...retrieving the body...
                CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER  => true,
                // binary...
                CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER  => true,
                // ...into $ret...
                CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION  => true,
                // ...following redirections...
                CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS       => 5,
                // ...reasonably...
                CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE      => $this->cookies,
                // Save these cookies
                CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR       => $this->cookies,
                // (already set above)
                CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT  => 30,
                // Seconds
                CURLOPT_TIMEOUT         => 300,
                // Seconds
                CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT => 16384,
                // 16 Kb/s
                CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME  => 15,
         * Imports an options array.
         * @param array $opts
         * @throws DetailedError
        private function config(array $opts = []) {
            foreach ($opts as $key => $value) {
                if (true !== curl_setopt($this->state['curl'], $key, $value)) {
                    throw new \Exception('Could not set cURL option');
        private function perform($url) {
            $this->state['referer'] = $this->state['url'];
            $this->state['url'] = $url;
                CURLOPT_URL     => $this->options['site'] . $this->state['url'],
                CURLOPT_REFERER => $this->options['site'] . $this->state['referer'],
            $response = curl_exec($this->state['curl']);
            // Should we ever want to randomize waitTime, do so here.
            return $response;
         * Returns a configuration option.
         * @param string $key       configuration key name
         * @param string $value     value to set
         * @return mixed
        protected function option($key, $value = '__DEFAULT__') {
            $curr   = $this->options[$key];
            if ('__DEFAULT__' !== $value) {
                $this->options[$key]    = $value;
            return $curr;
         * Performs a POST.
         * @param $url
         * @param $fields
         * @return mixed
        public function post($url, array $fields) {
                CURLOPT_POST       => true,
                CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($fields),
            return $this->perform($url);
         * Performs a GET.
         * @param       $url
         * @param array $fields
         * @return mixed
        public function get($url, array $fields = []) {
            $this->config([ CURLOPT_POST => false ]);
            if (empty($fields)) {
                $query = '';
            } else {
                $query = '?' . http_build_query($fields);
            return $this->perform($url . $query);

    Now to scrape FooSite:

    /* WWW_FOO_COM requires username and password to construct */
    class WWW_FOO_COM_Browser extends Browser
        private $loggedIn   = false;
        public function __construct($username, $password) {
            parent::__construct('', [
                'username'  => $username,
                'password'  => $password,
                'waitTime'  => 250000,
                'userAgent' => 'FooScraper',
                'cache'     => true
            // Open the session
            // Navigate to the login page
         * Perform login.
        public function login() {
            $response = $this->post(
                    'j_un'    => $this->option('username'),
                    'j_pw'    => $this->option('password'),
            // TODO: verify that response is OK.
            // if (!strstr($response, "Welcome " . $this->option('username'))
            //     throw new \Exception("Bad username or password")
            $this->loggedIn = true;
            return true;
        public function scrape($entry) {
            // We could implement caching to avoid scraping the same entry
            // too often. Save $data into path("entry-" . md5($entry))
            // and verify the filemtime of said file, is it newer than time()
            // minus, say, 86400 seconds? If yes, return file_get_content and
            // leave remote site alone.
            $data = $this->get(
                    'ticker' => $entry
            return $data;

    Now the actual scraping code would be:

        $scraper = new WWW_FOO_COM_Browser('lserni', 'mypassword');
        if (!$scraper->login()) {
            throw new \Exception("bad user or pass");
        // is a ticker site, we need little info for each
        // Other examples might be much more complex.
        $entries = [
            'APPL', 'MSFT', 'XKCD'
        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            $html = $scraper->scrape($entry);
            // Parse HTML

    Mandatory notice: use a suitable parser to get data from raw HTML.