I'm following this sample to create a suggest control attached to text field:
view: "suggest",
input: $$("testText"),
The datafeed
property sends the request to the server and returns the filtered data. Th request is
"data.php?filter[value]=Ar" // where 'Ar' is a typed text
But what if I need to limit the minimal number of typed symbols to send the request? For example, I want to reload the data when more than 3 characters are typed.
It possible or do I need to write my own method? How to do that?
Thanks in advance for any hint.
This seems not to be trivial, I found this solution on the webix forum :
dataFeed: function(filtervalue){
if(filtervalue.length<3) return;
var urldata = "filter[value]="+encodeURIComponent(filtervalue);
this.load("http://docs.webix.com/samples/13_form/01_controls/server/data.php?"+urldata, this.config.datatype);
Demo snippet : http://webix.com/snippet/4019c87a