We have a high modular rails5 app, which is splitted in rails engines over serveral repositories and integrated as ruby gems.
Now we want to introduce EmberJS by using ember-cli-rails
. The main rails application contains the main ember application in the frontend
directory while each of the rails engines contain an ember engine (via ember-engine
) in a frontend
How to mount the ember engines of the modules into the main ember engine?
Due the fact that I've found no other solution so far, I've created an initializer which symlinks the ember engine directories of all rails engines into the node_modules
of the consuming ember engine in the consuming rails app:
# Get the node_modules dir
nm_dir = Rails.root.join('frontend', 'node_modules')
# Delete existing symlinks
Dir.new(nm_dir.to_s).each { |entry| FileUtils.rm_rf(entry) if entry =~ /^.+\-frontend$/ }
# MODULES contains an array of the rails engine gem names
MODULES.each do |module_name|
# Each module has a Manifest class, load that
manifest = load_manifest(module_name)
# Get the path to the frontend dir of the rails engine
source = Pathname.new(manifest.method(:setup).source_location[0].split('/lib/')[0]).join('frontend').to_s
# Symlink destination
destination = nm_dir.join("#{module_name}-frontend").to_s
# Symlink it
FileUtils.symlink source, destination, force: true
This approach is probably not very clean, but it seems to work.