
Not able to create report on protractor tests in docker container

If I run my tests on protractor on my machine the report is properly generated and screenshots saved. My objective now is to do automated testing where I'm gonna use docker.

My docker-compose.yml looks like this

version: '2'

    image: app
      - 9000:9000
    image: selenium/standalone-chrome
      - 4444:4444
      - /dev/shm:/dev/shm
      - ./tmp:/assets/tmp
    image: test
    command: "dockerize -wait http://selenium:4444 -wait http://app:9000 -timeout 60m protractor /assets/conf.js" 

The problem with this is that the report and screenshots are not being saved to the volume. If instead of using the docker image for protractor I use the local one it works correctly with the app and selenium images.

For testing purposes I've added the folder manually on my volume (local) and can see that the folder is being removed, so I'm assuming the linkage is correct.

My conf.js as the method onPrepare to add the reporter which look like

onPrepare: function() {
        jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new HtmlReporter({
            baseDirectory: '/assets/tmp/screenshots'

The reporter used is protractor-html-screenshot-reporter.

My question is where could the problem be, path on the report, permissions, etc and what could be a fix or alternative approach

Thanks in advance


  • After some debugging found that jasmine versions were different (local and docker image) and wasn't triggering the method to create the screenshots.

    The versions were different because of when protractor was installed using npm install -g protractor (2.5.1 vs 4.0.13).

    Creating the image using protractor version 2.5.1 fixed the issue.