
Images in SVG Image tags not showing up in Chrome, but displays locally?

For some reason, Chrome is displaying the SVG without the images in its Image tags.

Here is a sample from my SVG:

<image xlink:href="blocker.png" height="312.666661" width="85.693825" y="16.479997" x="459.946664"/>

blocker.png is a local file, but I also tried uploading it to imgur, but that didn't work either.

Here is the svg tag:

<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xlink="">

Here is what it looks like locally:

Here is what it looks like on a live webpage:

As you can see, the two players are missing. This doesn't happen when I upload the SVG online, but when I try to link that URL to my page, the same thing happens

Not sure if it's relevant, but here is the HTML code for the page:

    width: 100%;
    max-width: 800px;


    <img src="svg.svg"/>



  • PaulLeBeau's answer is right. But another solution is to use an embed tag instead of an img tag for the picture.

    <embed src="svg.svg">

    Here are some ways to embed svg images in HTML.