How can I add open on focus feature(similar as Microsoft windows 7 calendar) to my calendar as given in demo where we using angular material version1.0.1, please help me with solution.
Thanks In advance.
You'd have to add a custom directive in that case:
.directive('openOnFocus', function () {
function compile(tElement) {
tElement.find('input').attr('ng-focus', 'ctrl.onFocus($event)');
return function (scope, element, attrs, datePicker) {
var focused = false;
datePicker.onFocus = (event) => {
focused = !focused;
if(focused) {
return {
compile: compile,
priority: -1,
require: 'mdDatepicker',
restrict: 'A'
And then:
<md-datepicker open-on-focus></md-datepicker>
Taken from this github comment: