
Adding subtitles to AVPlayer video

I am using an AVPlayerView to display some local videos from my Apps Bundle directory. Now I want to add the ability to display subtitles for increased accessibility of my content.

Since I’m the programmer, filmmaker as well as the one who has to create the subtitles, I am open to any subtitle-formats & solutions. I discovered a few common formats (.srt, .scc), but however, I am wondering how to work with them "programmatically" using AVPlayer.

I initialize videos like:

let myVideoPlayer = AVQueuePlayer(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/myPath"))

If you play subtitled videos in QuickTime for example, it is enough to have both files (subtitles & video) in the same directory. I couldn’t find any hints or solutions like adding a subtitle-file-url to the AVPlayer, which I would expect. It seems that’s not the right approach?

Other threads mention that AVPlayers closedCaptionDisplayEnabled works well with Closed Caption tracks. But again that brings me to the question: How can I display subtitles with AVPlayer from a separate file (like .srt, .scc)?


  • I ended up with the following workaround: Exporting my material from Final Cut Pro X as .m4v, creating subtitles manually with SRT Edit Pro and then adding them to the videofile with Subler, so I have just one file in the end. This way AVPlayer / QuickTime automatically detects the subtitle-track.