
/Fabric.framework/run: Permission denied

While running my App I am getting

Path/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/app-hhrnpfyhpluwgwcdjsjkbeehwwqs/Build/Intermediates/ line 2: ./Fabric.framework/run: Permission denied

If any one faced the similar issue , please suggest me the way to fix this?

I am running in Xcode 7.0 , iOS 9

I have this in my plist

enter image description here

Any helps is appreciated!

Edit :This solved my issue:

Step:1: Sign up for Fabric Here

Step:2: Follow the steps as mentioned in this LINK and add the key for fabric framework in info.plist and "Run Script" as shown here


  • I faced this issue when I cloned a repo and Fabric binaries were already there (commited by other developer). The solution was to run this commands in project folder and after then the xcode build succeeded:

    chmod +x Fabric.framework/run
    chmod +x Fabric.framework/uploadDSYM