I have a JSON model that is bound to a sap.m.Table. I am trying to filter data based on a column "Date" (bound to property[CreatedOn] of the model) which the service returns in the JSON Object Format ("/Date(timeStamp)"). The table is as below:
sample Date from server:
I am trying to filter the table on the client side but I am not sure on how to implement date filters on the client side. The date displayed are formatted based on
sap.ui.model.type.Date({pattern: 'dd/MM/YYYY'})
The filtering code looks as below:
var fromD = this.getView().byId("idKMFilterPaneDocDateF").getValue() ? new Date(this.getView().byId("idKMFilterPaneDocDateF").getValue()) :
var dtFilter = new sap.ui.model.Filter({
path: "CreatedOn",
operator: "EQ",
value1: "dateTime'" + fromD.toJSON() + "'"
var binding = oTable.getBinding("items");
binding.filter([filter], "Application");
When I execute the above code, I always get "NO Data". I need to implement the "BT" filters as well based on user selection criteria but can't get it to work with "EQ" itself.
Create Custom Filter
var fromD = this.getView().byId("idKMFilterPaneDocDateF").getValue() ? new Date(this.getView().byId("idKMFilterPaneDocDateF").getValue()) :undefined;
var dtFilter = new sap.ui.model.Filter("CreatedOn");
dtFilter.fnTest = function(value) {
//check what value are you getting here. If its string, get only time out of it
//Compare the date values(in milliseconds)
fromD.setHours(0); //get rid of time and concern about date
//value should be date object, else change accordingly..
if(fromD.getTime() === value.getTime()){
return true;
return false;
PS:If you can get working JSFiddle with your coding context, I could debug.