I'm running Wicket 7.5.0 and wicketstuff-tinymcr with the same version.
Im trying to initialize a tinyMce editor but I get this error: Failed to load: http://localhost:8080/mywebapp/wicket/resource/wicket.contrib.tinymce4.TinyMceBehavior/tinymce/langs/sv.js
The tiny script is loaded though:
This seems to be loaded:
This took care of it:
addCustomSetting("language: \"sv_SE\"");
This are the classes that loads it all:
import wicket.contrib.tinymce4.settings.TinyMCESettings;
public class MyTinyMCESettings extends TinyMCESettings {
public MyTinyMCESettings(TinyMCESettings.Theme theme) {
addCustomSetting("plugins: 'autoresize'");
addCustomSetting("language: \"sv_SE\""); // this works
The other one:
import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import wicket.contrib.tinymce4.TinyMceBehavior;
import wicket.contrib.tinymce4.settings.TinyMCESettings;
public class MyTinyMceBehavior extends TinyMceBehavior {
public static final String KEY_EVENT = "keyup";
private Component component;
private TinyMCESettings settings;
public MyTinyMceBehavior(TinyMCESettings settings) {
this.settings = settings;
protected String getScript(TinyMCESettings.Mode mode, Collection<Component> components) {
StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
script.append(" tinyMCE.init({")
.append(settings.toJavaScript(mode, components))
.append(",onchange_callback : function (ed) {\n" +
" var text = ed.getContent();" +
" $('#" + component.getMarkupId() + "').html(text).trigger('" + KEY_EVENT + "');" +
return script.toString();
Made an edit with code that works.