I have a vertica copy script (A.copy.vsql) which is loading data into a table from a file which has HEADER, TRAILER and DETAIL RECORDS.
Vertica Copy statement can skip 1 record which means I know how to remove the header.
I want to know if I can chop the trailer in the same way or not?
Also, if I cannot chop it like the header then can I write simple linux SED commands in the VSQL itself (A.copy.vsql) to do the job?
If you want to remove the first and last line from a file you can use:
sed '1d;$d' file
And used in a command, with the pattern command file
one can, with bash, use a process substitution:
command <(sed '1d;$d' file)
and $
are absolute addresses, 1 means first line, while $
means last.
deletes the line addressed.
is a process substitution.