New to roku/brightscript development: Is it possible to add an object to the global associative array (accessible by all components), that has a method defined as one of the properties, and call that method?
function Main()
end function
function init()
screen = createObject("roSGScreen")
m.port = createObject("roMessagePort")
scene = screen.CreateScene("MainController")
o = {
getName: function() as string
return "John"
end function
setUpGlobal(screen){mainMethods: o})
msg = wait(0, m.port)
msgType = type(msg)
if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed() then exit while
end if
end while
end function
function setUpGlobal(p_screen as Object) = p_screen.getGlobalNode() = "GlobalNode"
end function
.. then in another MainController, after running a task and returning data...
function init()
end function
function loadConfig()
m.config = createObject("roSGNode", "Configurator")
m.config.observeField("done", "onConfigLoaded")
m.config.observeField("fail", "onConfigError")
end function
function onConfigLoaded()
print "config loaded: " +
end function
function onConfigError()
print "config failed to loaded"
end function
When it hits line 16 of MainController, I get this:
Member function not found in BrightScript Component or interface. (runtime error &hf4) in pkg:/components/MainController.brs(16)
This is just a general test of what can/can't be done so please don't comment on whether this is "good practice" or not. I just want to know if it's possible and if so, what am I missing here? Thanks for any help
You can have functions as roAssociativeArray
values. In fact that is how OO methods are done in BrightScript.
However, you cannot assign functions to fields of a Roku Scene Graph object (roSgNode
derivatives)! Either directly or indirectly (nested). It's a limitation of the (current?!) implementation.
You can see list of the field types supported by RSG here
Yes, it does say to support assocarray
and (as of lately) array
- but there is a caveat to that! When you assign (or even access) compound objects between threads, a deep copy is made and only the "supported" types make it through - and as you experienced, function
is not one of them. All unrecognized data is currently silently dropped, with not even whisper of a warning - so buyer beware.
See for more. Feel invited to add your voice in Roku's developer forum, requesting support of function type by RSG - they tend to listen if enough people complain.