
Configuring HTML Tidy in Bluefish

I am currently running Ubuntu 14.o4, and installed HTML Tidy on my computer. I am trying to use it within Bluefish (bluefish 2.2.9-0trusty1) but any time I run the filter, it gives me this error:

The command tidy -utf8 exited with error code 512.

The current external filter command for Tidy is: |tidy -utf8|


  • There's a conversation about this here:

    Olivier Sessink, writing in 2012:

    Post by Martin crysman Zahradník

    Hello, I am just wondering why I cannot use tidy directly from BF... If I try

    The command tidy -qe '%i' exited with error code 512.

    fixed in svn, commands with %i and %o work again.

    but the exit status message is still there, which is useless for commands like tidy that generate an exit code for faulty html when everything is working as expected.

    I'm a bit in doubt how to handle this for 2.2.4:

    1) remove the dialog - that means that bluefish will also not give an error message if tidy is for example not installed at all

    2) keep the dialog - and bluefish will always show this error message if the html is not perfect

    Is there by any chance some errors in your HTML? Do you get the error with a syntacticly perfect "Hello, World" HTML sample?