Using a > 10
breaks the loop as expected, however a == 10
doesn't. Why is this happening? I am using Python 3.5:
from PIL import Image
im ='1.jpg')
px = im.load()
width, height = im.size
for a in range(width):
for b in range(height):
if a == 10:
print(a, b)
I am trying to stop the iteration when the image width has reached 10. The output:
9 477
9 478
9 479
10 0
10 1
10 2
10 3
You should put the a == 10
in the outer loop because now it will only break the inner loop.
for a in range(width):
if a == 10:
for b in range(height):
print(a, b)
Depending on your needs, you might want to put it behind the for b in range(..