I have created a Project in JIRA and created issues then I have created a Test Cycle using Zephyr plugin and added issues to the cycle. Now i want get all the issues I have added in Test Cycle using Rest call. I have tried below:
I did a JIRA Search for all the projects and got my project id :
GET -http://jira.hk.hsbc/rest/api/latest/project = 583215
then I looked for Test Cycles available in my project by using my project ID
GET - http://jira.hk.hsbc/rest/api/latest/project/21008/versions
then i did a search for cycles present in version using version id and project id GET - http://jira.hk.hsbc/rest/zapi/latest/cycle?projectId=21008&versionId=36325
here i got cycle ids.
Now i want to do search for all the issues in one Cycle using cycle id but I am not able to find anything to do that.
Once I got my ProjectID , VersionID and CycleID I did a get GET :http://jira.hk.hsbc/rest/zapi/latest/execution?projectId=" + projectId + "&versionId=" + versionId + "&cycleId=" + cycleId; This returns all my Issues and its information. Then from the JSon object i retrived my IssueId , Key, ExeID etc.